My sister is en route to Frankfurt, Germany abroad Lufthansa Flight #419. She left Dulles International Airport this afternoon at 6:14 pm and is
scheduled to arrive by 8:04 am (around 2:00 am our time). She will connect with a 10:50 am flight scheduled to arrive at 2:10 pm in Minsk, Belarus. She will remain in this country until January 9th, and come back home on January 10th.

Why, out of all places, is she going to Belarus? After joining the America-Belarusian Relief Organization (if you are interested in learning more about this organization, please visit at Frederick Church of the Brethren ( this past year as a co-coordinator, she was able to bring two hearing and four deaf children from orphanages in Belarus to America this past summer for six weeks. Several of our families in the church hosted those kids, and the entire congregation were graced by their presence for this brief time. For those who are involved and interested, ABRO organizes occasional mission trips to Belarus to encourage host families and volunteers in America to visit children in Belarusian orphanages. Many good things have been said about the past mission trips, and after some persuading, my sister was convinced that this trip was for her this year.
Over the course of the next two weeks, my sister will be traveling with a group of people and visit several hearing and deaf orphanages, bring them toys and clothes, and look for some new orphans to bring back to America next summer. I have a detailed itinerary of what my sister will do on each day, and I will let you know what the plans are over the next two weeks. She also will be sending me occasional updates during her trip, and I will be sure to post it here to keep all of you informed! In addition to the above information, I will add some details about Belarus and what deaf orphans face there.
Your prayers are needed - the entire ABRO missions team will appreciate it! Until tomorrow!
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