"Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s." ~Matthew 22:21
Since Barack Hussein Obama was elected as a president, a friend of mine mentioned this verse to me, and I've been meditating on it for well over four days. To be honest, the election results was a bit disappointing for me because I wanted McCain to win, in addition to my distrust for Obama due to his questionable history and associations with a few radical individuals.
What exactly does "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's," and what implications it has to my own spiritual life?
Jesus was discussing the importance of paying taxes to Caesar and giving God our "first fruits" in terms of time, talent, and treasure, but this verse also has an important degree to the current selection of the successor for President Bush.
Although Obama claimed that he would reduce taxes for 95% of the middle-class Americans who earns less than $250,000 per annum (that number has been muddied recently - $120,000 according to Gov. Richardson of New Mexico), I have a strong feeling that our taxes will be increased once Obama takes the presidency. And when taxes increases, people will be more tempted to evade taxes. When people evades taxes, the IRS will be hot on their tails to throw them in the slammer. You know, IRS probably would swallow the key and leave those people to rot until they pay their taxes.
"Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed." ~Romans 13:7
Render unto Caesar all the taxes.
Render unto Caesar all the revenue.
Render unto Caesar all respect.
Render unto Caesar all deserved honor.
Replace the term "Caesar" with "Obama," and you still have the same meaning within this context. Paul encourages us to pay all applicable taxes, report all revenues, give respect and honor to government officials. In fact, it was God who established the government to maintain law and order in this fallen world (Romans 13). God commands us to honor our governmental officials and follow the law of the land, as long as they do not violate God's commandments.
Many of you probably are disappointed with the results of the election, and wish that it would have turned out differently. I share the same sentiments with you, but the American people have spoken on November 4th, 2008. As God's people, we must pray for our nation and the president-elect so that he may successfully lead our nation. We will disagree with some of his decisions, and maybe even become angry with what he does. But do not lose hope, for God is in control here and He has our best interest in His mind.
Remember, my friends: our God is sovereign, and whatever happens in the future is a part of His plan. He will rise up godly and ungodly leaders to lead a nation (look at the Israeli kings throughout 1 and 2 Kings for evidence) in order to accomplish His divine purpose. Barack Hussein Obama was already predestinated by God to lead this nation, and we who profess Christ as our savior and lord of life must give Obama all respect and honor he deserves, and pay our taxes if he demands for money. The money we have are not ours, for they belong to God alone - he just "loaned" them to us to use for His kingdom.
Render unto Obama all things that are Obama's, and to God all things that are His. AMEN.
Amen! Could not be better said...
God has a reason and purpose for Obama to become our 44th president. We all just have to give him a chance and see how the American people will react within the next 4 years. Who knows, maybe this will be a wake up call for America to pay attention to the choices they make in life...
:) However, this thought came into my mind last week... I wonder about 2012 presidential race election. Who do you think the candiates will be? I think it would be bizarre if two women and Obama (assuming he will try again for another term) were competing with each other (i.e. Clinton & Palin). Kinda scary to think, eh? I bet that from now on USA will never be the same and we will continue to have hot competitions with the elections unlike in the past with traditional white men.
What do you think?
Hmm... perhaps a good question to discuss in the next blog post...
Clinton and Palin... impossible - they are like oil and water mixed together. They don't mix! lol.
Yes, it would be bizarre if they do team up. *chuckles*
If the mayan apocalyptic year of 2011 passes by (I don't believe this stuff anyway), I guess 2012 race will be sizzling hot in terms of it being a close race. We'll see...
ah, I was talking about Obama & Clinton for democratic party (competing each other for the democrat party), Palin for Republican party.... If Clinton won the democratic party-
That would be one hot, crazy, and wild election.
However, I highly doubt that would happen, but hey anything is possible.
And, I don't believe in the mayan apocalyptic calendar stuff. There is just too much muddy water there. I think that we will all know- the bible says that God warns His people. Just my two cents.
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