Friday, October 10, 2008

Pro-Life, Pro-Woman - FRC Publication

I received this e-mail this morning from Family Research Council (, and wanted to share this with you. This article reports what the American Psychological Association (APA) won't reveal about the psychological effect abortion has on women. Also, check out the links at the bottom of this e-mail for more information - all fascinating!

"Abortion has more than its share of moral complexities, but a panel of experts at FRC headquarters today showed that it poses an especially dangerous threat to women's mental health. To a capacity crowd, experts and clinicians did what the American Psychological Association refused to do in its latest report on abortion and mental health: told the truth-the whole truth-about the relationship between abortion and depression, anxiety disorders, suicide, and substance abuse. The prevalence of these symptoms among the 30 million women who have had the procedure is climbing at an alarming rate. While the research has yet to give pro-abortion leaders pause, the American people are taking the harmful effects of abortion very seriously. In a blockbuster poll released at today's lecture, the Elliot Institute found that 85 percent of American adults believe that "significant emotional problems" after an abortion are "common" or "very common." Only 15 percent of the people surveyed believe that abortion generally makes women's lives better. Seventy-one percent of participants across the ideological spectrum said that conducting research on these post-abortion complications should be a moderate to high priority. David Reardon, director of the Elliot Institute, hinted at the policy implications of the study. "Politicians who ignore the issue of post-abortion complications are ignoring an important concern of the American people." Of equal concern to pro-lifers is that millions of these women are suffering at the hands of government-funded organizations like Planned Parenthood. The public is ready to address this problem. Is Congress?"

Additional Resources
2008 Post Abortion Awareness Poll Survey Summary [PDF]
Post-abortion Mental Health Effects, Awareness, and Politics

Post your thoughts based on what you have already read, if you feel inclined to do so.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

i will always support adoption, but i will not ever support abortion. i never have, and i never will.

i'm living proof of that- my birthmother had the option to abort me when she found out i was pregnant. she was so close to it that she actually walked into an abortion clinic, but God saved my life by sending someone to talk to her about adoption... and she went back home and told her parents, "i can't do it. i can't kill my own child." her parents forced her to go to a home for teen pregnancies. she stayed there full term until she gave birth to me.

she told my mom the story... and she said that was one of the best decisions she had ever made knowing that she gave me life rather than to kill me. i admire her more than she will ever know-- the fact she gave me a chance to live life.

i also see how abortion affects several women and its so sad.

God made each child for a reason and has a plan for each one of them. I thank God for his amazing grace in my life and I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him.