Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.
For those who have not taken Psychology class, this is an experiment conducted by Pavlov in late nineteenth and early twenieth century to experiment the behavior of animals **in this case, a dog** once a stimuli is presented in the environment. This allowed him to reach to a conclusion that once the brain detects the scent of a food, it instructs our salvinary glands to start salvinate to prepare for the process of digesting food.
Have you ever noticed a scene of an infant in swaddling of cloth in a hay-filled manger? Have you ever slowed down to look at this delicate creature with two parents watching over him? Ever wondered who that babe was? Why are there so many scenes close to houses and churches across the America? Most importantly... why is this holiday more widely known as Christmas?
Look at the name itself. CHRIST - MAS. The first six letters constitutes of a man who revolutionized the whole world... Jesus Christ. Catholic Church considered his birth so significant that they designated two different time periods: BC (Before Christ) and AD (After David *Jesus was born on the lineage of King David, a famous king of Israel who strove to honor God throughout his whole life*) in our calendar. This is the reason why we celebrate this season... the birth of the one who was the long-anticipated Messiah.
This is also one of Isaiah's many prophencies being fulfilled (look at the verse at the beginning) and one of many prophencies that other prophets have made in the past. The number of prophencies are staggering and the statistics of fulfilling even ONE Messianic prophencies are one out of billions... and EVERY SINGLE ONE of those 256 prophecies are fulfilled. Even more, there are many more prophecies about Christ's death and EVERY SINGLE ONE of those prophencies are also fulfilled. There is no discrepancy in any of those ones and it gives strong indication of how the Bible is not fallible or errant, but instead God-breathed and God-inspired.
Why should there be any doubt that Christ's birth actually did happened in Bethlehem in a stable with shepherds and wise men as witnesses? Why do you doubt the existence of Christ? Out of all those prophecies being fulfilled, why do you still not believe that Christ is actually the long-awaited Messiah promised by God to save us all from His wrath? Why do you STILL resist Him just like the Jews do? The Messiah has already come on Earth, perished on the Cross, died and went to Hell for three days, rose from the dead and went to be with His Father only to return again sometimes in the future to judge the living and the dead.
Just submit yourselves to Him and He will make you more satisfied in your life than ever! You will never feel like a prisoner held captivated by things that is very burdensome to you. I was one of those people who resisted before until I realized that I would not begin to live as fully as possible if it was not for His saving Grace. His Grace is what makes the blind see again, the mute speak again and restores hope in everybody. Just accept the gift... and make this your first REAL Christmas. The first Christmas without the Santa, reindeers, lights, music, and parties... and make it the first one with your Savior.
What will your choice be? Heaven or Hell?
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