Sunday, June 05, 2005

2005 Graduation

"If you have built castles in the air, your work needs not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."

~Henry David Thoreau

Graduation is one of those things that you will remember for the rest of your life. There are many conflicting emotions among parents because the parents of the graduates are happy to see their children receive their diplomas but sad to see them ready to head off into the world.

That's the case with my parents. They are THRILLED to see me graduate as a young man but sad to see that the time to let me go as an adult is coming closer. They won't be driving to my school every Friday to pick me up, which turned into a kind of warm and memorable tradition. My mother loved that because she considered the time in the car with me very precious. On our way home, we would share moments of laughter, discussions or some periods of silencewhen I was exhausted. Every time when I was tired and sleeping in the car, I am sure that my mom watched me sleep in peace while she was driving (of course not the whole time... She needs to watch the road) and prayed for me. Today, I discovered that my mom's prayer time is almost always in the car. That is the only time when my mother would have time to reconnect herself with the Creator.

Back to the point... The graduation that I had was wonderful. Joshua did wonderfully on his graduation speech reminiscing the past titled "The Weight of the World" and Shana did a lovely introduction before it was my turn to give another speech about the future (Laying Our Foundations). Jennifer did a wonderful job writing her poem to be told by Jonathan, Ursa, Andre, Diana, Derrick and Nikki. My parents really enjoyed the graduation ceremony and commented that this was one ceremony that they've never seen in their lives. Each graduates, after receiving their diplomas, would be given a moment when they could talk to the audience about anything they wanted (such as thanking people, parents, teachers, school or just showing their sheer joy of finally graduating from school). In addition to that, the graduates were also given a chance to stand up in the front at the end of the ceremony for people to meet with them individually and tell their final farewells.

I want to grab this opportunity to thank my Father for blessing me so wonderfully on that day! I remember during the summer before I entered High School, I bowed down beside my bed and told Him to please bless me greatly and to help me make impact on people's lives. After the ceremony was over, many audience members came to me to tell me how wonderful my speech was and how they were very moved by my message. They also mentioned about how they were really blessed to know me and that they know that I would succeed in the future. When I started to realize how much people were telling me that, I just thanked my Lord for his extreme blessings upon my High School years. There are so many more blessings that He has given me and I could turn this into a novel if I could remember them all!

I want you to realize that God is an amazing guy! He gives you more than you really need only if you would ask. At times, I think that it is dangerous to ask Him for His blessings because that's like opening the floodgates and allow the water to rush toward you. Wow... He never ceases to amaze me!